Aritra Roy
Ph.D. Student
Aritra Roy has completed his Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India in 2011 followed by Masters in Lasers and Electro-Optics from Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), DRDO, Pune, India in 2014. After that he has worked in EDFA research and development industry for almost one year and toxic gas detection instrument manufacturing industry for 4 years. He was involved in research and development of spectroscopic detection techniques for different toxic gases and chemicals in industry effluents. Currently he is working as a PhD student on “Widely Tunable Swept Source Laser for OCT” in Tyndall National Institute under the supervision of Dr. Tomasz Piwonski. He is also a member of OSA Tyndall-UCC student chapter. Aritra is part of CAPPA under the CAPPA@Tyndall partnership.