Artem Vorobev
Ph.D. Student
In 2015, Artem received his bachelor’s degree with honours at the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev–KAI (KNRTU-KAI) in the specialty 11.03.01 Radio engineering. In 2017, at the same university, he received a master’s degree with honours in the specialty 11.04.01 Radio engineering. Until 2020, he was engaged in scientific research on measuring the quality of vegetable oils by optical and microwave methods at the Research Laboratory “NIL-15” of the Department for Radio-Electronic and Information-Measuring Tools in KNRTU-KAI. Now he is a student of the double Ph.D. course of the OPTAPHI consortium. Artem’s Ph.D. topic is “2D materials for hybrid laser wavelength tuning.” His research interests include optoelectronics, microwave electronics and embedded systems.