CAPPA was delighted to host the latest D – Spa workshop. Diamond – based nanomaterials and nanostructures for advanced electronic and photonic applications (D – SPA RISE H2020 6th Workshop entitled “Material optical properties and characterisation” was organised by CAPPA’s Dr Tomasz Ochalski, and held on 19th of November in Cork Institute of Technology.
D – Spa is a 4 year program of knowledge transfer and networking between the Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis, University of Leicester, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Birmingham, Teer Coatings ltd, Zhejiang University of Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The objective of the proposed joint exchange program is to establish long – term stable research cooperation between the partners with complementary expertise and knowledge to develop diamond – based nanomaterials and nanostructures for advanced electronic and photonic applications, including growth of diamond films, fabrication of diamond nanostructures, development of diamond biomarkers, and development of diamond.
The full day workshop focused on the project overview, growth and optical application of CVD diamond, deposition methods and applications of carbon coatings, fluorescence nanodiamonds, material optical properties and characterization and a young researcher’s session. During the workshop, the audience was able to enjoy specialized talks delivered by high profile researchers from University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Leicester University, Teer Coatings Ltd, Droitwich, Tyndall National Institute and the Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis.
On the day Dr William Whelan Curtain gave a talk on “Hybrid Photonics Crystal Lasers”, Dr Tomasz Piwonski gave a talk on “Semiconductor multi – section slotted lasers for Optical Coherence Tomography and Dr Killian Barton gave a talk on “Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Supporting Industry.” Finally, the “Young Researchers Session” at the end of the workshop allowed PhD students and early stage post – doctoral researchers to share their latest scientific achievements.
You can learn more about the D – Spa project here and more about the current projects CAPPA is working on here.