David Goulding
Postdoctoral Researcher
David Goulding, graduated from University College Cork in 2002, with a first class B.Sc. Joint Honours degree in Mathematics and with an M.Sc. in Physics in 2004. His M.Sc. research was focused on spontaneous and stochastic effects in optical systems and was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Huyet. In his PhD work, David focused on researching the dynamical behaviour of semiconductor lasers, in particular quantum dot lasers, in master-slave configurations. Both his MSc and PhD work were funded through IRCSET research grants.
Following his Ph.D., he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Integrated Photonics group in Tyndall National Institute on topics including high-performance AWGs, photonic integration and optical injection techniques for WDM applications. In February 2013, David joined CAPPA to work on both industrial and fundamental research projects within the group. His research interests include non-linear dynamics and stochastic effects in optical systems and industrial applications of photonics from medicine to the food industry.