Giulia Malvicini
Ph.D. Student
Giulia is currently a Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher at Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis (CAPPA), under the supervision of Dr. Liam O’ Faolain. She is part of the OPTAPHI European training network and her project combines spectroscopy based on advanced photo-induced effects with integrated photonics for optical sensing. She received her M.Sc. in Photonics (2019) at University of Pavia (Unipv), Italy, after an internship in a Biophotonics group at Tyndall National Institute, Cork. At Tyndall, she worked on developing wavefront-shaping techniques to improve acousto-optical imaging for biomedical applications. Besides her photonics background, she obtained her B.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering (2017) at Unipv.