Maria Kotlyar
Postdoctoral Researcher
Maria graduated from Samara State University, Russia with a first-class honours diploma in Physics in 2001. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland in 2005, supervised by Professor Thomas F Krauss. The topic of her Ph.D. was “photonic crystal waveguides and tunable filters in InP.” Maria held three postdoctoral positions at the University of St. Andrews working on polarization rotators, blue light emitting diodes and diffractive optics elements. Then she took a career break to raise her children. On moving to Ireland, she won a Marie-Skladowska Curie fellowship and started working in CAPPA in April 2018. Maria is currently working on design, fabrication and characterization of Lithium Niobate on Insulator devices for Quantum Photonics.