Mohammad Alothman
Mohammad Alothman received his PhD in Food Science in 2015 from the University of Otago, New Zealand. He received his MSc degree in Food Technology from University Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia and BSc in Food Technology from University of Baghdad, Iraq. Working with the dairy industry in New Zealand, he investigated the factors that limit the shelf life of pasteurised milk using a multidisciplinary approach of microbiology, analytical chemistr,y flavour science (Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and GC-MS) and sensory science to increase its export potential. Mohammad has previous experience in regulatory and technical support in the field of food science in public and private entities as well as lecturing various Food Science – related topics at third-level. Mohammad has spent three years in Teagasc. The first year as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Teagasc – Moorepark working on comparing different feeding systems on the composition and processability of milk. The following two years he spent as a Research Officer (Teagasc – Ashtown) working with the Irish Meat Industry through the Meat Technology Ireland (MTI) platform where he took part in research that investigated the effect of pre and post-rigor factors on the tenderness outcome of meat within a commercial setting.