The Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis (CAPPA) is a research centre conducting both applied and fundamental research on photonics in areas such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, medical device, food and beverage. The activities of CAPPA have two focuses: innovation for industry and advanced research.
CAPPA’s activities focuses on bringing the benefits of photonics technology to a diverse range of industry partners. CAPPA’s researchers have a strong track record of engagement with industry from large-scale collaborative projects to short-term consultancy services with companies ranging from start – ups to large multinational corporations. They offer a number of avenues for companies to explore photonics solutions to their development needs.
The advanced research conducted by CAPPA spans a range of areas, all of which involve the investigation or application of photonics. Major research strands include non-linear dynamics of lasers and ultrafast laser physics, nanophotonics and the understanding of the dynamics of novel semiconductor materials and devices.
In addition to providing businesses with a wide range of research, development and innovation funding solutions the CAPPA team are also available to discuss research projects, proposals, funding and product solutions. Including assistance with report writing and proposals for government and European funding.
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- Up to date information on research and development trends
- Information in relation to locally and nationally organised events
- The first to hear about our CAPPA events
- Information on funding and research calls
- Special discounts for new and currently engaging industries and individuals
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